Protection of personal information

Privacy legislation CAE Rive-Nord has implemented a policy that provides greater protection of its clients’ personal information using measures that mitigate privacy risks. This allows for more accountable and transparent management of clients’ personal information. The designated person at CAE Rive-Nord responsible for managing personal information is CAE Rive-Nord’s General Director Marie-Pierre Guindon. You can…

Star Company_Chroma Photo Vidéo

A picture is worth 1,000 words Isabelle L’Heureux-Leblanc has had a love for photography since childhood. The thought of doing it as a job had never crossed her mind until she offered her services to a couple of friends as a wedding gift. There began the journey. In 2017, she started Chroma Photo Vidéo while…

Star Company_KOHI Microtorréfacteur

KOHI Microtorréfacteur—coffee with a personal touch Daniel Moranville, founder of KOHI Microtorréfacteur, has been interested in coffee for a long time. He would read about coffee varieties and roasting methods, research roasters for fun, and refer certain merchants he knew to them. So why not roast the grains himself and sell them? In 2017, he…

Progress report—Success in the Argenteuil RCM

Photo courtesy of Synergie économique Laurentides Boat shrink wrap cover recovery project  Progress report—Success in the Argenteuil RCM Circular economy: Recycling winter boat shrink wrap covers CAE Rive-Nord is very happy to be partnering with the SADC des Laurentides on this major project to recover boat shrink wrap covers, led by Synergie Économique Laurentides (SEL)…

Star Company_Thalia Éco inc.

Thalia Éco Inc. lights the way! We are delighted to introduce you to an entrepreneur who we are convinced will stand out for her innovative products and especially her determination and willingness to keep learning. This young woman loves everything to do with project management. CEO Thalia Bastien started Thalia Éco Inc. in summer 2021,…

Invitation to two events

Did you know that… As part of our local economic development mandate, we are very lucky to partner with two major events in the Laurentians: The Rendez-vous bioalimentaire des Laurentides and the Sommet de l’innovation.  These two events will undoubtedly help our businesses grow and enrich our communities. We strongly urge you to register. Rendez-vous bioalimentaire…

New to the team

The entire CAE Rive-Nord team is delighted to welcome Frédéric Lévesque. Frédéric has a real passion for business and joins the team as a Financing Advisor. His varied background has given him a broad range of skills that will no doubt prove invaluable in this role. As an entrepreneur, he can easily understand the different challenges…

AGM-Unveiling 2022

Pictured from left to right: Stéphane Gauthier, Administrator, Alexandre Aubin, Vice President, Nathalie Larochelle, Local Development and Communications Advisor, Marie-Pierre Guindon, General Director, Luc Jalbert, President, Lyne Villemaire, Secretary-Treasurer, Dominique Deschênes-Lambert, Administrator, and Odette D’Astous, Financial Service Agent. Building on solid foundations CAE Rive-Nord releases its 2021–2022 results CAE Rive-Nord proudly presented its 2021–2022 results at the Annual General Meeting on September 22. At…