A treasure trove of board games
Are you a fan of board games? Did you know that a Randolph Gaming Pub opened its doors in Saint-Jérôme on October 5? There are over 1,000 games for you to discover and enjoy in a fun, light-hearted atmosphere.
The opening in Saint-Jérôme is thanks to the hard work of Benoît Lapointe and Jérémie Bouchard. The two friends and board game enthusiasts met at the Randolph Gaming Pub in Laval where they were supervisors. The pair thought they could open a new franchise one day. So, with their experience and knowledge of how the pub and game concept worked, they rolled the dice!
Upon opening, they already had a staff of 40. This number will increase for the holiday season as they plan to extend their opening hours to cater to more people. What is even cooler is that people can play a multitude of games while enjoying a good meal. It is a MUST for families as well as groups of friends or workmates. It could be just the ticket for this year’s office Christmas party!
Being an entrepreneur is not always fun and games
One of the biggest challenges for these two entrepreneurs is time management. Being time-poor, they have to make some sacrifices, particularly regarding their families. The key for them is knowing the product well, doing what they are passionate about and not thinking about money in the short term. All the time invested and sacrifices made will pay off in the long term.
They have been very happy with the public’s response since the opening, with the tables full most weekends. People really seem to love it. For now, they want to focus on getting the pub up and running on a solid foundation, but they are toying with the idea of opening a new franchise if the opportunity arises.
Youth Strategy—support worth its weight in gold
«Undertaking such an adventure can be a little unsettling; buying all the necessary furniture is hard on cash flow. The CAE’s financial assistance saved us and gave us the liquidity we needed. We are truly grateful!» say the two young entrepreneurs.
You’re invited!
For a fun, relaxing afternoon or evening, we suggest booking a table at the Randolph Gaming Pub. They also have an on-site shop for buying games.
Congratulations on your determination! Go to their website for the address, opening hours and most importantly to reserve your table!
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