A picture is worth 1,000 words
Isabelle L’Heureux-Leblanc has had a love for photography since childhood. The thought of doing it as a job had never crossed her mind until she offered her services to a couple of friends as a wedding gift. There began the journey.
In 2017, she started Chroma Photo Vidéo while still studying business administration. For the last two and a half years, she has been busy juggling her business projects full time. She loves the corporate aspect, which allows her to deliver a wide range of services.
Isabelle was lucky enough to have the CAE’s support to help her grow. She received a Youth Strategy loan that enabled her to revamp her website and brand image as well as implement a CRM system.
«The CAE is proof that a financial actor can show humanity and be readily accessible to young entrepreneurs. It’s reassuring, simple and quick; everything was sorted in a couple of weeks,» she says.
While by no means lacking projects, Isabelle has other plans too. With an interest in helping other photographers, she is developing her phase 2—online training sessions.
Getting involved to stand out
She is extremely proud of how far she has come since embarking on her entrepreneurial adventure, transforming from a very shy person to someone who can assert herself and speak her mind. She also recognizes the importance of being involved in the business community, which has helped build her confidence. Today, she is a member of the Chambre de commerce et d’industrie Saint-Jérôme métropolitain’s board of directors, interim president of its youth wing, and student mentor for the entrepreneurial program at Université du Québec en Outaouais’s Saint-Jérôme campus, where she studied only a few years ago.
In the long term, she would like to open a multi-potential studio where different services would be offered to photographers.
Whether you are organizing an event, looking to get new corporate photos or creating a product video, Isabelle can help you with any project. Visit her website to get in touch with her. She will take the time to listen and capture your project exactly how you want.
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